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Re: [fltk.bugs] [LOW] STR #1536: a thread-related helper

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Re: [LOW] STR #1536: a thread-related helper Michael Sweet Feb 12, 2007  
Yuri D'Elia wrote:
In article <5400-fltk.bugs-+FT6Wyec2gCDR8wcTNDzOQ@public.gmane.org>,
 Michael Sweet <mike-B9D8k9nSxTHQT0dZR+AlfA@public.gmane.org> wrote:

Nothing prevents the main loop code from processing multiple events
before calling the add_check() callback, and you don't know if that

Does it make any difference? They're not guaranteed anyway.

Also, you might want to use add_check() for something else, whereas
set_awake_cb() has but a single purpose.

I suppose we could go on forever on this, so I'll cut it short. To me, it still looks so splendidly useless. At least now awake() is nonblocking.

Maybe there's more we can discuss about FLTK 2.

Yes, we can revisit this for FLTK 2, at least from the standpoint of
changing the awake() function to return a boolean, and perhaps for
extending this to a true RPC (rather than IPC) mechanism.  However,
like I've said before I'm not keen on adding a complex, guaranteed
delivery system unless you can show it can be generally useful to
a broad range of multi-threaded apps.

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Internet Printing and Document Software          http://www.easysw.com

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