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Re: [fltk.bugs] Window overlay and button problem

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Re: Window overlay and button problem matthiasm Feb 12, 2007  

On Feb 12, 2007, at 10:25 AM, Gianluca Moro wrote:

I have an application where I draw 2 windows, and switch
from one to another.

When I want window2, I do a window1.hide() and a

It works correctly, but when window2 is shown, and I press on
a point where there's a button in window1 (the hidden one)
the button of the hidden window gets the event.

when a windoe is hide, the components should not receive
the events - correct?
how can i do to make the hidden window be completly inactive?

Please post to fltk.general only. This newsgroup is for automated messages created by the bug system (STR).

Please let us know which version of FLTK you are talking about and on which platform you are using it. What you are describing may be an FLTK 1.1.7 bug on OS X that was recently fixed. If so, use the newest FLTK 1.1.7 snapshot from the webpage.

If your issue cannot be solved in the "general" newsgroup, we will ask you to fill out an STR form on www.fltk.org and send us a short, but working, application that we can try out to see the bug.



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