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Re: [fltk.general] FLTK as an external dependency in Bazel?

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Re: FLTK as an external dependency in Bazel? Albrecht Schlosser Jan 24, 2023  
On 1/24/23 07:56 Zsolt Pajor-Gyulai wrote:
I've been trying to integrate FLTK with my Bazel project on a MacOS Ventura 13.0.1.

I'm sceptical that anybody here can help you with a Bazel project. We suggest to use CMake.

However, I may be wrong and someone can help. Please be patient...

I'm using the following file to test whether I succeeded:
 - test.cpp

OK, that would open an empty window. If you want to display the text in the box you should assign a boxtype, like

But that doesn't seem to be your issue (maybe).

If I do 
brew install fltk
and use a makefile: [...]
then everything works fine and my window pops up. However, if I now try to replicate it in bazel, for example by following this approach, then I can get everything to build successfully with the exception that `Fl::run()` just hangs without producing any output.

What do you mean with "without producing any output"? Does an empty window appear or not?

Sorry, I can't help with bazel. I looked at your document but I can't tell what exactly it is doing.

One hint may be to use the FLTK source (downloaded from Git) to build the development version 1.4.0 (master), build it yourself, and try with that. But using the latest FLTK version wouldn't explain why it (homebrew, FLTK 1.3.8) works with a Makefile and not with bazel.

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