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Re: [fltk/fltk] Fluid: enhancement for widget_class for extra option: reposition-and-rescale (PR #481)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] Fluid: enhancement for widget_class for extra option: reposition-and-rescale (PR #481) Albrecht Schlosser Aug 15, 2022  

@etorth Yes, thank you for this additional scenario which is a good point. It could also be useful for other widgets (groups) that are not just one row or column and can thus not use Fl_Flex. In the near future Fl_Grid will give us even more options.

That said, I'm not going to merge your request now because I'm not sure about all the code changes. Our fluid specialist @MatthiasWM may hopefully chime in and decide whether your PR should be merged or modified in any way. Thank you for all your work on this and for the helpful discussion.

Summary, from my point of view:

  • the proposal could be a useful feature for some cases.
  • including math.h and using round() should be avoided if possible
  • I did not test the actual patch/PR, this needs to be done
  • hence I don't know if there would be any side effects

@MatthiasWM Matthias, what do you think, should we merge it?

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