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Re: [fltk/fltk] Fluid: enhancement for widget_class for extra option: reposition-and-rescale (PR #481)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] Fluid: enhancement for widget_class for extra option: reposition-and-rescale (PR #481) Etorth Aug 13, 2022  

Thanks for response, hope this "feature" to be accepted in some way if not a bug in other person's view.
following test.fl should be sufficient to demonstrate the purpose of this PR:

# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
version 1.0400
header_name {.h}
code_name {.cxx}
widget_class Test_widget_class {open
  xywh {695 274 529 35} box UP_BOX resizable visible position_relative
} {
  Fl_Button {} {
    label b_1
    callback {printf("b_1 clicked\\n");}
    xywh {0 0 105 35}
  Fl_Button {} {
    label b_2
    callback {printf("b_2 clicked\\n");}
    xywh {425 0 105 35}

Function {main()} {open return_type int
} {
  Fl_Window m_window {open
    xywh {680 247 565 202} type Double resizable visible
  } {
    Fl_Box {} {
      label Test_widget_class
      xywh {10 25 325 55} box UP_FRAME resizable
      class Test_widget_class
  code {m_window->show();
return Fl::run();} {}

with above test.fl, it's using the Relative option to the customized widget class Test_widget_class, and can be compiled by the fluid without my PR, and generates following GUI:


You can see the x and y offset get aligned to the placeholder of Test_widget_class, however the size w and h doesn't, which make the b_2 can not be clicked.

Now with the same test.fl, but change the Relative to Relative & Rescale as following, you need my patch to change current Fl_Light_Button to a Fl_Choice:


Now generate the code and build/run the GUI, you can see the widget class Test_widget_class get auto-rescaled when put into the placeholder:


I did try to call Fl_Group::resize(X, Y, W, H) as following in the generated test.cxx code, either in the constructor of the customized widget class, or after the widget instance creation, but neither worked.

// generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0400

#include "test.h"

void Test_widget_class::cb_b_1_i(Fl_Button*, void*) {
  printf("b_1 clicked\n");
void Test_widget_class::cb_b_1(Fl_Button* o, void* v) {

void Test_widget_class::cb_b_2_i(Fl_Button*, void*) {
  printf("b_2 clicked\n");
void Test_widget_class::cb_b_2(Fl_Button* o, void* v) {

Test_widget_class::Test_widget_class(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L) :
  Fl_Group(0, 0, W, H, L)
  { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(0, 0, 105, 35, "b_1");
  } // Fl_Button* o
  { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(425, 0, 105, 35, "b_2");
  } // Fl_Button* o
  position(X, Y);
  resize(X, Y, W, H); // <-------------------------------- tried 1, to resize here

Fl_Double_Window *m_window=(Fl_Double_Window *)0;

int main() {
  { m_window = new Fl_Double_Window(565, 202, "FLTK-Test_widget_class");
    { Test_widget_class* o = new Test_widget_class(10, 25, 325, 55, "Test_widget_class");
      o->resize(o->x(), o->y(), o->w(), o->h());  // <------------------------------ tried 2: to resize here
    } // Test_widget_class* o
  } // Fl_Double_Window* m_window
  return Fl::run();

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