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Re: [fltk.general] Re: Compiling under mingw - error with zlib.h

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Re: Re: Compiling under mingw - error with zlib.h Albrecht Schlosser Nov 16, 2022  
On 11/16/22 16:52 Ian MacArthur wrote:
On Wednesday, 16 November 2022 at 15:36:19 UTC Albrecht Schlosser wrote:

You seem to miss `mingw32-make`. Please try this command (output from my system):
$ mingw32-make --version
GNU Make 4.3
Built for Windows32

I've generally found "MSYS Makefiles" to be fine with MSYS2/mingw64, so worth trying that first...

Yes, that's another option. But recently I found "MinGW Makefiles" to work more reliably (with MSYS2 on my installation) and I used that for a while. Now I tried one of the other generators (including Ninja) and it worked fine - surprisingly.

MSYS2 setup is still a mystery for me. But once you got it working ... never touch a running (ehm, working) system. ;-)

3. CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++": make sure you don't need these DLL's

My mingw64 builds DO NOT need these set.

Does "mingw64" mean MSYS2/mingw64? If yes I'd be interested to know how to setup this so we can document it for other users.

My mingw32 builds DO need these set.

I assume this means classic "MinGW" where I made this experience as well.

I have no idea what is "normal".

Neither do I. Did I already say that it's a mystery? ;-)

Probably does no harm to have these settings enabled though?

Yes, I think so. It should be safe even if it's not needed. Unless you are working with a very old system that doesn't have these options.

4. Remaining issue: unfortunately the build (still) depends on `libwinpthread-1.dll => /mingw64/bin/libwinpthread-1.dll` as output by `ldd`

Point 4 is something I need to investigate because it makes the executables depend on this DLL. You can either run the programs from your MSYS shell or copy the DLL to the binary directory side by side with the executables if you want to run these programs under pure Windows.

That's linked against winpthread rather than using Win32 native threads?
That's.... unexpected... and not what we would want.

Is it a mis-setting in the config? Or the wrong version of the mingw64 tools?

That's exactly what I would like to know. I always get these dependencies when I use MSYS2/mingw64. Maybe I did something wrong when I installed it, maybe too many packages where one of those makes the build depend on that DLL? I dunno.

However, after a quick web search I found out how I can avoid the DLL dependency by adding "-static" to the build. Since I want to link statically anyway it doesn't matter and it doesn't seem to affect the output. The resulting programs work fine when I run them from an explorer window and I can't see any dependencies on non-Windows DLL's with `ldd`.

Whether this uses the "wrong" threading library/features I can't tell. I think we're still using Windows threading in FLTK and that should make it work correctly. Why the dependency is created in the first place when linking with MSYS2 on my system ... is still a mystery.

Anyway, here is what I found to work w/o dependencies on non-Windows (i.e. MSYS2) dll's:

$ cmake -G Ninja -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \
  -D CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS='-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -static' \

Note the added "-static" flag to CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS . That's all I needed to change.

As far as I can tell the build is not affected except for removing the unwanted dependency. However it would be another problem if you wanted to link with the shared FLTK libs (dll's) but that's off-topic for now.

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