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Re: [fltk.general] Compiling under mingw - error with zlib.h

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Re: Compiling under mingw - error with zlib.h "'pvrose' via fltk.general" Nov 15, 2022  

On 15 November 2022, at 17:44, Albrecht Schlosser <AlbrechtS.fltk@online.de> wrote:

>On 11/15/22 17:01 'pvr...@btinternet.com' via fltk.general wrote:
>I am trying to compile the latest from scratch under MSYS/MINGW64.
>Isn't this "MSYS2" ? Just to be clear that this is (not) a typo.

A typo.
>The mingw64 installation has system zlib. The compile fails as this has ZLIB_VERNUM = 0x12d0 wheras FLTK PNG requires 0x12b0.
>I have tried to run Cmake with OPTION_USE_SYSTEM_OFF=OFF and it still fails.
>I have moved the MINGSW zlib.h out of the way and it fails not being able to find zlib.h as if the include library is still looking in the mingw64 directory rather than in the fltk files.
>In my MINGW window I gave run
>git clone https://github.com/fltk/fltk.git
>mkdir -p build/Debug
>cd build/Debug
>and it fails in make. After compiling fltk_zlib and fltk_jpeg it fails on the first png file.
>This *should* work if your build system is set up correctly. I just tried the slightly modified commands (the first command is one long line):
>make -j3
>... and this worked fine for me.

This has actually shown up I have a bigger problem. It can't find <FL/Fl.H>.
>If this doesn't work for you then you can try to use -G "MinGW Makefiles" instead. This needs "mingw32-make" instead of simple "make" to run the build. Can you please try this and report if it makes a difference?

No difference. Given the above problem, I'll reinstall msys2 tomorrow.
>I found the order of the defines to be sigificant - setting zLIB after the other two was ignored and the mingsw zlib found instead.
>If you mean the CMake options then the order should NOT be significant. Please check your syntax again. I see several typos (like "OPTION_USE_SYSTEM_OFF=OFF" in your post, so maybe there was one in your commands as well ? (just guessing)

I triple checked it at the time.

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