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Re: [fltk/fltk] Native File Chooser on windows with BROWSE_MULTI_DIRECTORY is unable to select multiple dirs (Issue #480)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] Native File Chooser on windows with BROWSE_MULTI_DIRECTORY is unable to select multiple dirs (Issue #480) erco77 Aug 12, 2022  

Pretty sure at the time FNFC added the BROWSE_MULTI_DIRECTORY flag, multiple folder selection was not supported by the WIN32 function, SHBrowseForFolderW(). And from what I can tell, it still does not.

However, while I don't have time to solve this issue, I did some research because I was curious which may help someone solve this issue.

It seems there's now "ways" to make this work using other WIN32 api's, such as the technique in this old Windows example code which I was able to reduce into multiple-folder-browser.zip which looks like this when run on Windows 10:


..which may be helpful to solve this issue, as I believe this works back to Win2K, and looks a bit nicer than ye olde and dated folder browser.

Also, in Windows Vista (and up), there's apparently support for multiple selection with the "common file dialog" interface: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/shell/common-file-dialog
..but I don't think we want to limit FNFC support to recent Windows releases.

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