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[fltk/fltk] Small improvement to Fl_Menu_ : add a way to specify a divider drawn above a menu item vs. below it (Issue #479)

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[fltk/fltk] Small improvement to Fl_Menu_ : add a way to specify a divider drawn above a menu item vs. below it (Issue #479) "Paul D. Hahn" Aug 12, 2022  

Presently specifying FL_MENU_DIVIDER for an item draws the divider below the item. In my work, there are not uncommon situations where it would be more convenient to specify a divider drawn above the associated menu item rather than below it.

Therefore please implement something like a new FL_MENU_DIVIDER_ABOVE to augment the existing FL_MENU__DIVIDER.

In addition, in the Fl_Menu_::add() methods, implement some new special prefix in labels as the way to specify FL_MENU_DIVIDER_ABOVE, vs. "_" which specifies FL_MENU_DIVIDER. Admittedly this poses a risk to existing user code that may already be employing such a prefix with the expectation that it is NOT special. Notwithstanding the risk, I suggest implementation of the double-underscore "__" as a special prefix to specify FL_MENU_DIVIDER_ABOVE. User code already employing "__" to specify FL_MENU_DIVIDER below a label whose text begins with an underscore would have to be modified to use an escape character "_\_".

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