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Re: [fltk.general] How do I build AND install the latest FLTK version using CODE:BLOCK on Linux Mint 20?

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Re: How do I build AND install the latest FLTK version using CODE:BLOCK on Linux Mint 20? Albrecht Schlosser Jan 30, 2022  
On 1/29/22 18:40 David Briscoe wrote:
I am new to this group and FLTK

Welcome to the FLTK world!

and I would like to build FLTK using the CODE:BLOCKS IDE on Linux Mint 20. Are there any step-by-step instructions anywhere? Or could someone on this group help me? I have installed Code:blocks, so I need to build it and set up the IDE to use it.

The latest version of FLTK is FLTK 1.4.0 which is still in development and to be released soon (ca. April 2022). You can download it from GitHub or use a weekly snapshot (see fltk.org website -> Download).

To set up Code:Blocks to build FLTK you will have to use CMake to build the Code:Blocks IDE (project) files. I don't know Code:Blocks myself, hence I can't tell you anything beyond how to use CMake to generate the project files.

Since you are on Linux you can use `cmake -h' to get a list of all possible "Generators", which are among others "CodeBlocks - Ninja" and "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles". Choose one of these. If you don't know what "Ninja" means, use "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" which generates a build you can use with 'make' or (I'm not sure, but very likely) out of the IDE.

For more informations please see our README.CMake.txt file and if you have more questions, please feel free to ask here again.

I am reading "Programming Principles and Practice" 2nd Edition by Stroustrup and will need FLTK for the later examples. I'm hoping someone can help. Thank you.

This book is pretty old and uses an older version of FLTK (1.1 IIRC) but you should be able to build with FLTK 1.4 as well. Another problem you will encounter is that the source and support files of the book are broken. You will need to fix the files before you will be successful to run the exercises. I know that there are fixed files on the net but I don't know where.

For a recent question on stackoverflow and my answer please see:

Again, if you need more help, please feel free to ask again.

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