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[fltk.general] Re: Beta testing Fluid UI improvements

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Re: Beta testing Fluid UI improvements "'Matthias Melcher' via fltk.general" Dec 14, 2021  
  Thanks very much for the help. I will take a look at the alphabetical sorting. 

mingodad schrieb am Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2021 um 10:57:56 UTC+1:
Now that you are talking about an improved Fluid I did some changes to meet my needs here https://github.com/mingodad/squilu/tree/master/fltk and one of the main changes was to add a tabbed panel for the widget tree view and add an alphabetical widget view to make easy find specific wdigets by name and be able to swap to widget treeview with the selected widget selected, I hope that something like that would make it's way here too.


On Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 2:17:54 AM UTC+1 Matthias Melcher wrote:
Hi fellow devs,

the very current GitHub version of Fluid has a bunch of changes, and I would love to know, if Fluid is behaving better now, or if it is crashing or behaving badly in other ways.

If you use Fluid in your projects, would you please run it over your .fl files and report bugs in the generated files, if any. Creating a UI from scratch is also a very worthy use case.

Thank you!

 - Matthias

The biggest change is the way that new Widgets are inserted. You copy/paste or duplicate a #include line, just to find the result at the very bottom of the list, and then "F2" it back up? This behaviour is gone! If you duplicate selected items, the new items will be right below.

If you right-click to generate a widget, it will pop up wherever you clicked. 

And finally, the Widget Bin learned to use drag'n'drop. Create a window by dragging the Window icon somewhere on your desktop. Drag a Group into it, resize it, bam. Drag buttons and sliders right to their final location. 

I hope that these new behaviours make Fluid much easier to use. Please try it out and let me know of bugs in the GitHub "issues" section.

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