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Re: [fltk.general] Re: [Fl_Flow] A new layout manager for FLTK

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Re: Re: [Fl_Flow] A new layout manager for FLTK Albrecht Schlosser Oct 29, 2021  
On 10/29/21 11:55 PM Karsten Pedersen wrote:
I was referring to this line earlier from Bill:
> It would be nice to compute a minimum size to fix the layout issue with #9 above.
I think perhaps this was to address your (9), widgets sticking to bottom right if the window is too small. Perhaps if we could calculate the minimum size we could make the Fl_Flow widget from its contained widgets, we could do something with that. Perhaps we could even compute the minimum window size from that.

Ah, yes, I probably misunderstood. But anyway, I would definitely not let the Fl_Flow widget make child widgets smaller than the programmer designed. This would never work. Think of a still empty input widget. What would be its minimal size? Only the program author may have a clue. No, no, as I said before: if it's too small, it's too small. The only thing we could do is not to hide widgets if they don't fit entirely.

Obviously one complexity arises because depending on one dimension the window may not collide in the other dimension. You could end up with a smaller window, but one that is shaped in a way that no widgets collide.

Let's not try to do the program designer's work. This is going to fail. KISS (https://www.acronymfinder.com/Keep-It-Simple%2c-Stupid-(KISS).html)

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