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Re: [fltk.general] Re: [Fl_Flow] A new layout manager for FLTK

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Re: Re: [Fl_Flow] A new layout manager for FLTK Greg Ercolano Oct 29, 2021  

On 10/29/21 11:32 AM, Albrecht Schlosser wrote:
On 10/29/21 7:27 PM Karsten Pedersen wrote:

(2) Very happy to. Though do I need to look up at how FLTK deals with operator new() throwing exceptions on OOM situations.

We don't. ;-)

    Right -- it's up to the app to trap such exceptions if interested in them, but FLTK
    does not throw or catch exceptions itself.

    For handling new in my daemon application, I used a hook (I forget the details)
    to hook into both new and malloc() so that out of memory conditions basically
    retry with a sleep until it succeeds, preventing a crash due to the machine being
    overloaded by, presumably, some other application that will eventually be killed
    by the OOM killer or a user.

    I don't ever try to handle out of memory conditions in the app; the best thing IMHO
    is to wait a little and try again so that a memory allocation never fails.

(3) std::string is easy, I barely use it. I could just use standard C-Style strings. I will have a look through FLTK and see what you guys use for containers. If not I can put together some C-style linked list, etc.

We don't use any containers yet (officially) although there are some (inofficial, i.e. not public) containers used in some implementations, for instance Fl_Table::IntVector. Picking existing container types, putting them in classes etc., making them kinda "protected" or "public" is on my todo (ehm, wish) list though. With "protected" I mean in this context that they could be inside the library code base but not in the public header files. Public would mean that they'd be in the FL/ directory for public usage.

Bill wrote in his comment "I don't have any problem with using std::vector, it was not used back in the day because it used much more memory and was slower than naive C implementations, but this is not true any more." We *might* reconsider using std::vector in the future which would simplify some, particularly new code.

OTOH the strings used could likely be simple char* arrays as Bill mentioned as well.

    Our main concern with the std:: stuff is old compilers that support C++ but not templates.
    These days that falls into embedded hardware with limited abilities, and/or really old
    operating systems, I think someone was able to get FLTK to run under DOS even (!),
    using some kind of custom graphics that talks directly to hardware without a window manager.

    "Back in the day" in the 90's that Bill was talking about, STL was a separate package
    and it didn't even work with most of the SGI compilers we were using back then, as
    they didn't even support templates at all until much later. As far as I can recall, my
    most recent SGI native compiler config from the 2000's did not support templates ("CC"),
    but I think if you used gnu c++ you could use STL.

    IIRC, STL was eventually brought into one of the C++ standards and now the compilers
    "come with STL" as part of the standard. While I am not at all a fan of STL's API, I use it
    in new applications.. but I'm glad FLTK doesn't use it. Errors from the template library
    are horribly ugly, and the API makes me barf. Vectors should have been called arrays,
    'push_back()' instead of 'append()', and 'back()' instead of 'last()', and lots of simple
    use cases (like deleting an element) are horribly byzantine.. oof, there I go again on a rant.

(5) OK, I will push to my repo on GitHub an LGPL LICENSE file. I can perhaps grab one with the exceptions in it from the FLTK project repo.


    Yes, I did that with all my donations to FLTK as well Fl_Input_Choice, Fl_Table, Fl_Tree;
    FLTK's license is the standard LGPL 2 with a static compile exception, and some recommendations
    for handling credits that are I think optional IIRC.

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