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Re: [fltk.general] Re: [Fl_Flow] A new layout manager for FLTK

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Re: Re: [Fl_Flow] A new layout manager for FLTK Albrecht Schlosser Oct 29, 2021  
On 10/29/21 7:27 PM Karsten Pedersen wrote:
Hi Albrecht,

I am very glad that people are liking this system. In response to your queries;

(0) Fl_Flex is actually my project too ;)

Why did I not check this? ;-)

My previous tests of Fl_Flex (some time ago) indicated that it was worth considering for inclusion but it had also some positioning issues and the usage of std::containers which we can't use. I mentioned it in one of the issues (see my previous message).

In the past I have certainly been looking into ways to make GUI management more fun. Fl_Flex was good and works pretty well but it isn't nearly as fun. I do find Fl_Flow much faster.

Would you recommend not to use Fl_Flex at all in FLTK in favor of Fl_Flow? Or do they both have their (different) usage patterns?

(1) The template code is purely so that the entire system could be collated into a single header file and used from multiple .cpp files without causing duplicate symbols. The is kind of the C++ alternative to how this is done with C libraries such as stb_image. GLM (C++ maths library) for example does this. As you have noticed, it is very easy to strip out. It isn't depended upon by the library in any real way.

Ah yes, thanks for the explanation. My tests were all with only one C++ file.

(2) Very happy to. Though do I need to look up at how FLTK deals with operator new() throwing exceptions on OOM situations.

We don't. ;-)

(3) std::string is easy, I barely use it. I could just use standard C-Style strings. I will have a look through FLTK and see what you guys use for containers. If not I can put together some C-style linked list, etc.

We don't use any containers yet (officially) although there are some (inofficial, i.e. not public) containers used in some implementations, for instance Fl_Table::IntVector. Picking existing container types, putting them in classes etc., making them kinda "protected" or "public" is on my todo (ehm, wish) list though. With "protected" I mean in this context that they could be inside the library code base but not in the public header files. Public would mean that they'd be in the FL/ directory for public usage.

Bill wrote in his comment "I don't have any problem with using std::vector, it was not used back in the day because it used much more memory and was slower than naive C implementations, but this is not true any more." We *might* reconsider using std::vector in the future which would simplify some, particularly new code.

OTOH the strings used could likely be simple char* arrays as Bill mentioned as well.

(4) Fl_Flow isn't very large. I will have a look through FLTK codebase and mimic what you guys do.

Caution, there's some code that doesn't comply with the "rules" which are in https://www.fltk.org/cmp.php and particularly the "Coding Standards" section: https://www.fltk.org/cmp.php#CODING_STANDARDS . However, some parts are ancient and maybe outdated as well.

(5) OK, I will push to my repo on GitHub an LGPL LICENSE file. I can perhaps grab one with the exceptions in it from the FLTK project repo.


(6) There is some amount of sharing going on between the structures. I will have a look at putting them private. Perhaps FLTK already has some private headers?

If we want to use "private" headers we put them into the 'src' directory. These headers will not be installed. The problem is that they must not be used in the public header FL/Fl_Flow.H unless they can be simple forward references like 'class Fl_xyz;'.

(7) Ah I am using it basically in place of std::weak_ptr<T>. I get a free "observer pattern" and it means I don't get any dangling pointers if Widgets get destroyed.

... however, I do have logic in there that checks if the widget has been removed so technically I don't need it. I just like that warm fuzzy feeling of avoiding (some) memory issues and use-after-free. I can possibly remove it. Or at least conditionally compile it in as debug builds?

As I said already I'm not sure that you used Fl_Widget_Tracker correctly in all cases and the second point is its inefficiency. After reading more of your code I'm coming to the conclusion that it's very likely not necessary to use it at all. If an Fl_Widget is deleted it removes itself from its parent group. Your prepare() method checks if a widget is still a member of the group and adds "missing" widgets to the internal states. This can all be done by examining the children() array of Fl_Group, and since Fl_Flow is derived from Fl_Group you get this for free. If you have questions I can assist.

(8) Ah. This could well be my window managers (spectrwm and dwm) that cause the initial resize event as it gets tiled. Darn, embarrassingly I didn't think of that. I will fix that today. I basically just need to get it to reposition all children on the initial show() (and add() if already shown).

Great if you can do that. I just didn't want to dive too deep into the code.

(9) In some way this works really well and if the window is too small, it will drop down to the next line. You can get really far just by changing the order of the flow instructions.

Yes, I saw that it works pretty well. Until ...

... unfortunately if the window is simply too small, Widgets will stay at the bottom right because they collide immediately with other widgets or the bounds. One workaround is to start the components really small and then expand later on. Personally I just set the minimum window size to something a little larger and in practice this avoids these issues. But I will have a further think on this.

I'm not sure what the Fl_Flow implementation could do about this. Maybe it could let widgets overlap as a better visual indication that something is wrong which could help the author testing (and the user would "know" they need to increase the window size). The minimum window size is something you need to set for all GUI's anyway, thus I don't think this is a big issue. We can simply document it. If the window is too small, it's too small. ;-)

Many thanks,


Thanks for your contribution!

PS: Can you please avoid top-posting in this group? This makes reading the threads easier with their context (keep the context as small as possible by trimming unnecessary parts). Thanks.

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