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[fltk.general] Re: [Fl_Flow] A new layout manager for FLTK

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Re: [Fl_Flow] A new layout manager for FLTK Ian MacArthur Oct 29, 2021  
On Friday, 29 October 2021 at 07:50:44 UTC+1 duncan wrote:

However, I notice that the code uses exceptions and templates, which might be a problem for
inclusion within the core of FLTK because the CMP currently prohibits their use, but there's
probably nothing to stop Fl_Flow being offered as part of an add-on system. FLTK++ perhaps?

As far as this aspect of it goes, I am less concerned about template code than about exceptions - template code is basically resolved at compile time, so doesn't have an impact on the runtime.
Exceptions are trickier because they have a runtime aspect to them, and require the linking in of support that fltk generally eschews in favour of being fast and light.

So, from my perspective, an updated CMP would probably permit template code (but perhaps suggest that it's use be minimized for backwards compatibility) but might still deprecate the use of exceptions...

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