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[fltk.general] Re: [Fl_Flow] A new layout manager for FLTK

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Re: [Fl_Flow] A new layout manager for FLTK Karsten Pedersen Oct 29, 2021  

> Assuming the other devs agree (we'll give it a look over),
> is it OK to add it to FLTK itself and its LGPL license?

> However, I notice that the code uses exceptions and templates,

Oh, I didn't expect there to perhaps be interest to add it into FLTK itself. Otherwise i probably would have avoided the templates. Again, I used them to make it as easy as possible for others to drop into a project. But if Fl_Flow is added to FLTK anyway then this avoids that problem entirely.

To be fair, the nice thing about this layout system is that it isn't too complex or large to write. If people do decide that they would like to add it into FLTK itself, I can happily de-templatize it. I do use std::string, std::exception and std::vector but these can also be replaced if necessary. Their use is fairly minor.

I haven't added a license yet. Depending on what people want to do with it I am happy with GPL, BSD, etc.


On Friday, October 29, 2021 at 6:50:44 AM UTC duncan wrote:
I have had a little bit of time to port a layout manager we use for an internal UI system to FLTK. It may seem a little weird to use at first but it allows for extremely quick layout and prototyping. It was originally designed to quickly hack together UIs for ever-changing scientific research tools. However it started to become a preferred layout system for everything because it was quick easy and maintainable.

So please do give it a go if you have time. Or at the very least have a skim through the tutorial on the main project page to see if it may be useful to you.

I've looked through the tutorial and it looks like a really useful addition to the FLTK ecosphere,
especially for quick prototying of a new interface.

However, I notice that the code uses exceptions and templates, which might be a problem for
inclusion within the core of FLTK because the CMP currently prohibits their use, but there's
probably nothing to stop Fl_Flow being offered as part of an add-on system. FLTK++ perhaps?

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