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Re: [fltk.general] Re: Fl_Tabs

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Re: Re: Fl_Tabs Albrecht Schlosser Sep 03, 2021  
On 9/3/21 9:50 PM Bill Spitzak wrote:
I agree with most of this, it is the way to go. A few differences I think should be done:

1. value(Fl_Widget*) should do the recalc, rather than leaving it in a possible bad state until draw() calls recalc.

My intention was to do this anyway if the given widget was a real child of the group (as documented). value(Fl_Widget*) did this already for all valid children. The only questionable case is (was) if the user calls it with a pointer that is not a valid child (or NULL). If we always wanted to leave the widget in a correct state this would imply that we selected the last child as the current child. So, if the user calls it with an invalid pointer: we "fix" this programming error. If the user calls it with NULL we call it a feature and select the last child.

I think this is plausible and could be documented this way.

2. recalc might be better called "fix" or "make_exactly_one_tab_visible" or something, depending on what reads best, and it should be private (or maybe protected)

I didn't say anything about accessibility yet. I agree that recalc (or whatever we call it) should be protected (not private). I'm sure someone will derive a widget from Fl_Tabs in the future and need the "recalc" method.

I'm open for suggestions of better names for this method. So far I used Greg's proposal for simplicity.

What about fix_visibility()? As a precedent we have Fl_Scroll::fix_scrollbar_order(), fl_fix_focus() and likely some more.

Thanks for your comments, Bill, I appreciate this very much.

On Fri, Sep 3, 2021 at 12:28 PM Albrecht Schlosser <AlbrechtS.fltk@online.de> wrote:
On 9/3/21 8:14 PM Greg Ercolano wrote:

On 9/3/21 8:58 AM, Bill Spitzak wrote:

I agree, and your fix is probably correct.

I think that show() and hide() in value() was because I was worried that the tabs could get into some kind of incorrect state where the number that are visible is not one, and this is trying to fix that. I think now that is probably a mistake, such states should not happen, and it would be better to just return the first visible one or null if none are visible. If this is a problem it would be better to fix it when there is an attempt to set the value, rather than when it is read.

    It might be good to enforce this "somewhere".. perhaps in a protected or public
    recalc() method that simply blesses the state of the widget to sanity, just so that
    if the user somehow leaves all groups hidden, e.g. in fluid, Fl_Tabs() will at least
    come up with a sane default.

    Perhaps on the first call to draw(), as you kinda want this to happen after the
    widget ctor and after all the child widgets have been added, but before a draw().

Probably in every call to draw(), as it is now.

Okay, let's assume we have three methods:

(1) Fl_Widget *value() const {...} to get the current value (as before, but 'const', w/o side effects)
(2) int value(Fl_Widget *) to set the value (as before)
(3) Fl_Widget *recalc() to "calculate" the correct visibility of children (returns the visible child)


(1) This method would be 'const' (ABI change) and return the first visible widget or NULL. It would not make status changes. Rather than returning NULL it could also return the last child if no child is visible (this needs to be investigated). It would return NULL anyway if the Fl_Tabs group has no children.

(2) int value(Fl_Widget *) can be changed similar to what Greg and I suggested, calling value() in the beginning would be fine if this was changed as described in (1). This would always make only one widget visible - unless the given widget is not a child of the Fl_Tabs widget. This special case is documented and would result in no visible child - which would be "fixed" subsequently by calling recalc() in draw().

(3) recalc() would do what value() did before (as a side effect). It finds the first visible child and hide()s all other groups. If no child is visible it show()s the last child. recalc() will return the only visible child or NULL, just like value() did before. The return value is particularly useful if recalc() is used where value() was used before, e.g. in draw().

The code in Fl_Tabs.cxx would need to be adjusted to call the "right" method of these three where needed. For instance, draw() would call recalc() instead of value() etc.

With these changes the FLTK core would work as before but avoid some potential side effects. The documentation would need some adjustments. User code would not be affected in most cases. Only user programs that rely on value() modifying the visibility of children and otherwise changing (add, delete, hide(), show()) children might be affected. However, since draw() calls recalc() this should be fixed in most if not all cases.

The issue discussed here should be fixed as well, of course.

I'll try how this works out and post a patch (or PR) - likely tomorrow. Comments and suggestions would be appreciated, of course.

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