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[fltk.general] Re: Fl_Button label line spacing

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Re: Fl_Button label line spacing Ian MacArthur Aug 11, 2021  

On Wednesday, 11 August 2021 at 13:55:17 UTC+1 supe...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi, I'm trying to put vertical text in a button, I'm using the \n newline, but the vertical spacing is too big, is it possible to put less spacing?

OK, so I interpret your question like this: You have a tall, thin button and are setting this label as "T\nh\ni\ns" to try and get (ASCII art alert!)

| T |
| h |
| i |
| s |

Is that correct?
If so, there might be no trivial answer...
Note that to keep things simple, fltk just uses the line height to set the vertical spacing, so it is not readily changed (it is tied to the font size, in effect.)
In the past, I have derived my own button and then used fl_text_extents() to measure the minimum bounds around each glyph and position it suitably, but that's a fair bit of work. (Contrast with fl_measure() which will use a vertical bound based on the line spacing, which is in essence what you are seeing at present.)
An alternative, if you derive your own button, might be to just rotate the entire label 90 degrees (without the embedded "\n" in the labels) and see how that looks. The "rotated_text" demo illustrates that approach - though I do not know if that would be any use to you or not.

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