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Re: [fltk.general] Bundling TTF fonts with an FLTK application

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Re: Bundling TTF fonts with an FLTK application Albrecht Schlosser Aug 05, 2021  
On 8/5/21 8:05 AM Webb Hinton wrote:
Another option would be to embed a font (somehow) and load the font from
this embedded resource, just like we can open jpg and png images from
memory. Something like that, maybe...

I've been working with Ian's platform specific code and I have demo code somewhere which loads a font from a ttf or similar file. This works fine. Embedding a font in binary form in a program would likely be more involved because the platform specific code Ian provided does only load from a file. ISTR that e.g. Windows can load from "font resources" but I don't know how to "build" such a resource.

Are people still interested in this idea?

I'm still interested but for now I have working code for myself.

We could probably add a public method to load a font from a font file to hide the platform specific code with what we have already.

If you need to bundle the font in binary form inside the program you could convert the file to a binary image (e.g. with xxd), compile it into the program, and write it to a temporary file to load it.

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