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Re: [fltk.general] incomplete Circle drawn with classes from PPP

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Re: incomplete Circle drawn with classes from PPP ken williams Apr 29, 2021  
Thank you Albrecht and Ian, now everything makes sense!
so silly to think I should create folders and move files around
when "make install" does that on the path I created with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX

I was able to test both 1.4.0 and 1.3.5 and compile both with one command and the Makefile
I learned a lot, thank you!

I created a file with the summary of this post, but I can't attach it so I'll post it below.
Maybe it's worth adding it on Github to help other beginners like me who maybe come from Dr. S book
and have no idea where to install, how to install or how to compile with Makefiles.

##################################### FLTK install & use ################################################################

download FLTK in the home folder:
    git clone https://github.com/fltk/fltk.git fltk-1.4.0

the following sequence will install FLTK in the home path (/home/ken01/dev/fltk-1.4.0)
installing FLTK in the home path is preferable when you want to test multiple versions

in the/home/ken01/dev/fltk-1.4.0 folder:
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/ken01/dev/fltk-1.4.0 -D 'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug' -D FLTK_BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON ..
    make install

while this will install FLTK on the system (the default path is /usr/local or /usr)
    mkdir build
    cd build
    make install
for those coming from Programming Principles and Practice    
when you want to compile a program that uses FLTK you can use either

this command:
g++ -w -Wall -std=c++14 Graph.cpp Window.cpp GUI.cpp Simple_window.cpp 13.12_circle.cpp `/home/ken01/dev/fltk-1.4.0/bin/fltk-config --cxxflags --ldflags --use-images` -o 13.12_circle.bin

or a Makefile:
(for more complex programs)

################ template makefile ##############
# Set up the paths to the folders we will read files from
PATH_1 := /path/to/some/files
PATH_2 := /path/to/other/files

# Where is the fltk-config we plan to use?
FLTK_CNF := /full/path/to/my/fltk-config

# We don't know what compiler to use to build fltk on this machine - but fltk-config does...
CC  := $(shell $(FLTK_CNF) --cc)
CXX := $(shell $(FLTK_CNF) --cxx)

# Set the flags for compiler: fltk-config knows the basic settings, then we can add our own...
CFLAGS   := $(shell $(FLTK_CNF) --cflags) -Wall -O3 -I$(PATH_1) -I$(PATH_2)
CXXFLAGS := $(shell $(FLTK_CNF) --cxxflags) -Wall -O3 -I$(PATH_1) -I$(PATH_2)

# We don't know what libraries to link with: fltk-config does... Throw in the kitchen sink...
LINKFLTK := $(shell $(FLTK_CNF) --use-gl --use-images --ldstaticflags)

# Possible steps to run after linking...
STRIP      := strip
POSTBUILD  := $(FLTK_CNF) --post # May be required on OSX (does nothing on other platforms, so safe to call)

# Define what your target application is called
# What objects go into the target application
OBJECTS := file1.o file2.o

all: $(TARGET)

# Define how to build the various object files...

file1.o: $(PATH_1)/file1.c $(PATH_1)/file1.h  # a "plain" C file from PATH_1
$(CC) -c $< -o $@ $(CCFLAGS)

file2.o: $(PATH_2)/file2.cxx $(PATH_2)/file2.h $(PATH_1)/file1.h  # a C++ source file from PATH_2
$(CXX) -c $< -o $@ $(CXXFLAGS)

# Now define how to link the final app
MyApp:  $(OBJECTS)
$(STRIP) $@
$(POSTBUILD) $@  # only required on OSX, but we call it anyway for portability

rm -f $(TARGET)
rm -f $(OBJECTS)

############### end #################

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