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Re: [fltk.general] is there anything i can do about these (font lib) leaks?

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Re: is there anything i can do about these (font lib) leaks? Ian MacArthur Apr 25, 2021  
On 25 Apr 2021, at 02:49, Dave Jordan wrote:
> it's definitely after Fl::run() returns (where i print the message "app window closed") and exit.
> it still might be an accumulating leak, but even if not it still would be nice to get rid of the messiness (there's about 5x as many messages, all occurring on exit).
> after all, i'm going out of my way to clean up that which IS under my control... but if i have to live with it then i guess i will.

Maybe not...
Tradition dictates that at his point I (as I have many times before) recount this tale: 
Once upon a time, many years ago, we had a placement student, fresh from University, and very keen.
As an introductory task they were set to doing some simple cleaning up of an existing codebase.
Taking to heart their lecturers exhortation to ensure they delete all the widgets that had been new’d, they set about “fixing” the “errors” in the codebase where it closed down without formally releasing all the widgets.

Net result? A slew of complaints from the end users that now, when they click exit, the app sits there for “like, 5 minutes” and then shuts down, whereas before it just closed “straight away”.
So, what happened here is that the “improved” code was now spending a significant time (not 5 minutes, but still noticeable) working it’s way through deleting everything, whereas previously it was simply exiting and allowing the OS to reap the released memory automatically.

The student was made to take out the improvements, and was enlightened.

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