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Re: [fltk.general] Re: I just installed FLTK on Linux but I have a compile error

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Re: Re: I just installed FLTK on Linux but I have a compile error Albrecht Schlosser Oct 27, 2020  
On 10/27/20 11:01 AM ken williams wrote:
Thanks Albrecht,  I was able to compile Dr. S first example code with the command:

      g++ -w -Wall -std=c++14 Graph.cpp Window.cpp GUI.cpp Simple_window.cpp test.cpp `fltk-config --ldflags --use-images` -o test

Great, thanks for the feedback.

But when I'm using "fltk-config" like below it doesn't work.

      fltk-config --ldflags --use-images --compile  Graph.cpp Window.cpp GUI.cpp Simple_window.cpp test.cpp -o test

Probably I should change something but I can't see it.
I could use only the g++ command, but it would be nice to understand how to use "fltk-config" also.

You can use fltk-config either to output some flags, for instance with

$ fltk-config --use-images --cxxflags

which outputs the compiler flags you need to compile a program with fltk and fltk_images *or* you can use it to compile a *single* C++ source file but you can't combine both in one command.

Options like '--use-images' are used to modify the output of the related command, i.e. (in this case) add the fltk_images libs and corresponding compiler flags.

Basically this means: if you want to compile more than one file you'd better use a script or a Makefile or write a CMake project file (CMakeLists.txt) and use that to build and compile your app.

Just in case you don't know: the backticks (`...`) in your command above (`fltk-config --ldflags --use-images`) mean: run the given command in a shell and insert the output of this command at this place in the command line.

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