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Re: [fltk.general] font property manipulation in FLTK label text

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Re: font property manipulation in FLTK label text Greg Ercolano Oct 10, 2020  
On 2020-10-10 10:01, Paul Hahn wrote:
> In many situations, I would like a way to change font properties for different sections of text in widget labels. Primarily, I would like to manipulate font size and weight, but color would be grea, too.
> Has anyone created a custom label type supporting this? Or for example, support for (at least a limited subset of) markdown syntax?

	Might be overkill, but you could (ab)use Fl_Help_View for text labels
	so that you can use HTML tags to control this.

	Here I'm showing setting the attributes individually, but you could derive
	a class from HtmlLabel that does this stuff so it's easier to use.

#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Window.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Help_View.H>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  Fl_Window *window = new Fl_Window(340,180);
  Fl_Help_View *label1 = new Fl_Help_View(10,10,200,30);

  label1->value("Test <font color=#f00>red</font> <font color=#0f0>green </font><font color=#00f>blue</font>");
  label1->child(0)->hide();	// XXX: hacky way to hide private scrollbar

  Fl_Help_View *label2 = new Fl_Help_View(10,40,200,30);
  label2->value("Test <b>bold </b><i>italic</i> normal.");
  label2->child(0)->hide();	// XXX: hacky way to hide private scrollbar

  window->show(argc, argv);
  return Fl::run();


	Seems Fl_Help_View won't let me set the box() type to FL_NO_BOX,
	so I had to use FL_FLAT_BOX to hide the borders, which means the
	bgcolor has to match the parent widget, which is why I had to use parent()->color()
	to make the label "seamless".

        The reason for this apparent requirement is probably because text can have
	different bgcolors.

	Sucks that there isn't a clean way to access the scrollbars through the API
	to disable them (see XXX markers above), as they come on unconditionally.

	Had to hack disabling the vertical scrollbar by using child(0).

	The Fl_Help_View class should really allow access to the internal scrollbars,
	either as public methods that return pointers (other widgets do this),
	or at least make them protected so derived classes can access and manipulate them.

	Maybe this can be done for 1.4 .. dev vote?

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