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Re: [fltk.general] Order of variables in FLUID

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Re: Order of variables in FLUID "anmol.... Oct 07, 2020  
Hi Greg. I took the morning to do lots more reading to understand what you were referring to in terms of solutions - I have to save data from different tabs, and one widget in one tab can set the output of another widget.
When the user clicks on Group 4, it must summarize in text form all the choices made in Group 1-3.

If a widget A sets the value of widget B - is the callback for widget B invoked ? Or can it be invoked ?
In this case, I do not need to worry about which widget sets the value of B, I can save the current value into a class using widget B callback. And this will always be consistent.

The browser is part of Group 4.
|                     |  Tabs Widget                               |
| Source Browser      |  _______  _______                          |
|  _________________  | / Grp 1 \/ Grp 4 \_______________________  |
| |                 | | |       | _______________                | |
| |                 | | |       || Queue browser |               | |
| |                 | | |       ||               |               | |
| |                 | | |       ||               |               | |
| |                 | | |       ||               |               | |
| |      (A)        | | |       ||      (B)      |               | |
| |                 | | |       ||               |               | |
| |                 | | |       ||               |               | |
| |                 | | |       ||               |               | |
| |                 | | |       ||_______________|               | |
| |                 | | |       |                                | |
| |_________________| | |________________________________________| |


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