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Re: [fltk.general] FLTK custom themes

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Re: FLTK custom themes Greg Ercolano Oct 04, 2020  
On 2020-10-04 20:31, DarkGren wrote:
> The default theme looks uh.. a bit ugly imo
> is there a way to customise FLTK with themes?

	Try putting /one/ of these settings at the top of main(), to try the different 'themes'
	that FLTK comes with:


	Both improve the interfaces quite a bit.
	(There is also a "plastic" scheme, but it's kinda old looking)

	You can also run the demo programs with different command line options to change the scheme
	to see how the different widgets look, e.g.

		cd test
		./buttons		-- default scheme
		./buttons -scheme gtk+	-- use gtk+ scheme
		./buttons -scheme gleam -- use gleam scheme

	If you don't like either of those, you can change the color map for the gray ramp
	to tint the interface different colors, but you're kinda on your own with that.

	To implement a new scheme is kinda tricky, as there's no API provided to change
	the scheme; you basically have to hack into the code to make more extensive changes.

	That said, people have gone a long way making nice looking interfaces in FLTK using
	combos of changing the color maps and/or using the above scheme options.

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