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RE: [fltk.general] Use worker thread to call Fl_Window and Fl_run - [General Use]

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RE: Use worker thread to call Fl_Window and Fl_run - [General Use] "'MacArthur, Ian (Leonardo, UK)' via fltk.general" Oct 01, 2020  

From: fltkgeneral@googlegroups.com <fltkgeneral@googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of anmol....@gmail.com
Sent: 01 October 2020 10:08
To: fltk.general <fltkgeneral@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [fltk.general] Use worker thread to call Fl_Window and Fl_run

> Forking a new process may be a bit heavyweight for my needs.
> Its more intensive on Windows than on *NIX.

Yes, and not necessary in this case anyway, I suggest.


// Loop
AEC_progress = (int)(i * mult);
// End Loop

That's effectively Fl::run()... I'd have a little delay in that tight loop, if it were me, though!

> This works well with the bar indicator, but the text shows some junk.

Yes, it would do.
Your label is stored in a stack-automatic variable "char percent[10] = { "" };" and is going out of scope before it is used, so you get garbage.
If you know your label store is of transient persistence, as here, you should probably use copy_label() rather than label().

> Also, this window goes to the background.

> Any suggestions to force this window to the top of all other windows? My GUI (code that I cannot
> change) may be pushing a cmd window to the top as I am using popen/pclose and windows starts a cmd
> window when you use pipes.

OK - that's hard, since fltk is not in control of the z-order in your case... You could *try* calling show() on your window each time you check() it, but that might just cause hideous flickering as the windows fight over who is on top.

The alternative, if you are prepared to use platform specific code, is to modify the window attributes to make it always on top, but non-modal so it does not prevent events passing to your other windows (using the Windows terminology for this) and see if that helps. But that will not be portable of course.

Also, you can tell windows not to throw the CMD window at all for the pipe, though off-hand I can’t remember the magical invocation for that. It's a linker option though, IIRC. might be "-mwindows" with gcc, can't recall what VS uses...

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