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Re: [fltk.general] OpenGL - displayList - gl_draw

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Re: OpenGL - displayList - gl_draw Ian MacArthur Sep 25, 2020  
On 25 Sep 2020, at 18:44, holm.haavard wrote:

Given the usual caveat that no one should take GL advice from me, since I’m rubbish at it... 

>   static GLuint DisplayList=-1;
>   if (DisplayList<0){ glDeleteLists(DisplayList, 1);

Is that even valid? Here you will be deleting a list that has never been created, which seems... wrong...

>     DisplayList = glGenLists (1);
>     glNewList(DisplayList, GL_COMPILE);
>     gl_draw(wire ? "Cube: wire" : "Cube: flat", -4.5f, -4.5f );

I’m not sure it makes sense to put this a list anyway, as the whole point is that it might change from one draw() to another, so needs to be checked on each iteration...

Also, if I understand properly, your concern is that gl_draw() is too heavy to call every time. Do you have actual measurements to show this?
In practice the gl_draw() in 1.4 generally caches it’s output texture buffer, so if the text string does not change, it should be pretty cheap to call.

What do your timings show?

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