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Re: [fltk/fltk] Matt: accumulated Fl_Preferences issues, are there more? (Issue #303)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] Matt: accumulated Fl_Preferences issues, are there more? (Issue #303) Matthias Melcher Jan 22, 2022  

@Albrecht-S Thanks again for the link. I had been collecting general use cases from stack overflow, but reading through the specs again, well, those cases are simply wrong. So the strategy is now: check if a prefs file or data directory exists in ~/.fltk/Vendor/Application, we will use that for everything. If not, we use $XDG_DATA_HOME/Vendor/Application/ (not fltk) for user data files, and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/Vendor/Application.prefs are used for preferences.

As a precaution, I check for ~/, $HOME/, and ${HOME}/ at the start and replace them. I'll truncate at a possible :. If either of the environment variables are not set, I will use their respective default.

Porting would be done calling

mkdir ~/.local/share/Vendor/
mv ~/.fltk/Vendor/Application/ ~/.local/share/Vendor/
mv ~/.fltk/Vendor/ ~/.config/

Did I catch everything?

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