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[fltk/fltk] Fluid sometimes doesn't remove widgets in groups from display (Issue #367)

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[fltk/fltk] Fluid sometimes doesn't remove widgets in groups from display (Issue #367) Albrecht Schlosser Jan 11, 2022  

While playing with fluid I noticed that fluid didn't remove a button from the display when I deleted the button. This small .fl file can be used as a reproducer:

# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
version 1.0400
header_name {.h}
code_name {.cxx}
Function {make_window()} {open
} {
  Fl_Window {} {
    label {Button in Group} open selected
    xywh {737 117 300 220} type Double resizable
    code0 {w->resizable(g);} visible
  } {
    Fl_Group g {
      label group open
      xywh {25 35 260 85} box THIN_UP_FRAME resizable
    } {
      Fl_Button {} {
        label {button in group}
        xywh {50 50 210 45}
    Fl_Button {} {
      label {button in window}
      xywh {55 140 210 50} down_box DOWN_BOX color 142
  1. Select "button in window", delete it, and it is immediately removed from the display.
  2. Select "button in group", delete it, and it is stays on the display.

The obvious difference is that the group has a "frame" border type (THIN_UP_FRAME) and I know that this behavior would be the same "in real life" but I'm wondering if fluid couldn't do it better.

I also tried FL_NO_BOX and noticed that the button disappeared immediately, hence I suspect there must be something more complex going on. The display is redrawn when you resize the window (as expected), hence users would be able to refresh the display manually as a workaround.

I wouldn't say this is definitely a bug, but it's unexpected and annoying.

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