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Re: [fltk/fltk] test/tree: hitting 'select all' hangs the application (Issue #300)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] test/tree: hitting 'select all' hangs the application (Issue #300) erco77 Nov 29, 2021  

Yes, thanks Manolo, I found there's a few issues that I can maybe optimize in Fl_Simple_Terminal too; there's three calls that seem to use a lot of CPU, and are called each time its printf() method is called:

  • buffer->append() -- appends the string to the buffer, causing a recalc
  • scroll(newpos) -- forces scrollbar to bottom, but ALSO causes an entire buffer recalc
  • A remove() operation to enforce the screen history size (ALSO causes a buffer recalc)
    I'm not sure how I can optimize all that though.. it'd probably be easier to implement the terminal code myself rather than try to fix Fl_Text_Editor lol.

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