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Re: [fltk/fltk] Compiler warnings with msys2 (current) + fltk-1.4.x current (Issue #296)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] Compiler warnings with msys2 (current) + fltk-1.4.x current (Issue #296) Albrecht Schlosser Nov 25, 2021  

I'll look into the test/icon.cxx warnings next.

And so did I. buffer is definitely used uninitialized to create an Fl_RGB_Image with undefined pixel data. Then icon.color_average(c, 0.0); overwrites the undefined pixels with the value of c (by "averaging" 100% c, 0% original data). Not nice.

I can see two solutions:

  1. what happens if you move the declaration of buffer above choice_cb? This would init it with zeroes. The code would work but still be weird.
  2. instead of using color_average() we could init buffer[] with appropriate values which would be 32 * 32 * (255, 0, 0) or (0, 255, 0) or (0, 0, 255), respectively.

The code would likely be longer but free of warnings and clear. Using color_average() is cool but hard to understand.

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