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Re: [fltk/fltk] Compiler warnings with msys2 (current) + fltk-1.4.x current (Issue #296)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] Compiler warnings with msys2 (current) + fltk-1.4.x current (Issue #296) Albrecht Schlosser Nov 25, 2021  

... to silence over zealous compiler warnings ...

ISTR that we had similar warnings already. I believe the compiler might issue a warning even if the given argument is a pure output parameter - just because the compiler doesn't know it better because it can't "look into the function code". That said, it seems to be easier to initialize all variables that are used as parameters to function calls later. Just to be sure and silence such (formally) unnecessary warnings.

Just my 2 ct, I won't dig deeper into this, personally.

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