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[fltk/fltk] FLTK 1.3.6 doesn't handle fullscreen on macOS (Issue #287)

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[fltk/fltk] FLTK 1.3.6 doesn't handle fullscreen on macOS (Issue #287) "Pierre Ossman (Work account)" Oct 28, 2021  

Unfortunately fullscreen handling has some completely breaking bug on macOS in 1.3.6 and 1.3.7. FLTK misses some resize events and everything goes tits up as it desperately needs to keep things in sync. Entering or leaving fullscreen sometimes fails to update FLTK's internal coordinates, and everything start getting weird offsets.

I've bisected the problem to 46235ff. Unfortunately that is just a hugh squashed commit so it is difficult to tell what change caused the problem. I would guess 9ac7317 though as I'm seeing windowDidResize() getting calls, but not view_did_resize().

Unfortunately this makes FLTK 1.3.6 or newer pretty much unusable for us at TigerVNC. So a fix is desperately needed and a FLTK 1.3.8 probably needs to be released for others that want to build TigerVNC.

I'll try to experiment if the above commit can be reverted and if that solves the issue.

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