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[fltk/fltk] Consider to add a simple grid container widget (#256)

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[fltk/fltk] Consider to add a simple grid container widget (#256) Albrecht Schlosser Jul 15, 2021  

A grid container for similarly shaped/sized widgets might be useful to add to FLTK.

We have Fl_Table, but maybe there could be a much simpler container widget allowing just zero or one widget per cell w/o all the special features Fl_Table provides. I'm thinking of resizing the cells to equal width/height depending on the maximum of widget widths and heights.

There could be an option to calculate the row height indiviually per row or use a fixed row height (the maximum of all row heights).

Or maybe something like that.

Related but different: issue #255 "Add a flexible row/column container widget".

Suggestions and pointers to existing widgets would be appreciated.

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