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Re: [fltk.coredev] Windows 11 crash (still investigating)

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Re: Windows 11 crash (still investigating) Gonzalo Garramuño 01:48 Apr 25  

On 4/24/2024 2:52 PM, 'Albrecht Schlosser' via fltk.coredev wrote:
Note: a stack trace w/o debug info is not very helpful. If this issue persists I recommend to deploy an executable from a debug build (assuming that you build the executable and not the end user).
I have now sent a debug build to my user on github.  I am waiting for him to test it.
KiUserExceptionDispatcher is not defined by FLTK. This indicates that the handle() method of your derived window class calls KiUserExceptionDispatcher().
This is a common stack trace step when a SEGV or similar exception happens on MSVC.
7: Fl_Window::handle - 0x140709297099744

I have no idea why Fl_Tiled_Image::draw() would (indirectly) call Fl_Window::handle(). There's some clipping done, hence fl_win32_xid() might be plausible.
8: Fl_Window::y_root - 0x140709297101632
9: fl_win32_xid - 0x140709297228272
10: Fl_Tiled_Image::draw - 0x140709297052528

Fl_Tiled_Image::draw() may be called (IIRC) when the 'plastic' scheme is used to draw the background image
That's interesting.

       IMHO the best you can do is to use a memory analyzer like Address
      Sanitizer (ASAN) or valgrind to check for access violations in
      thorough tests. IIRC Visual Studio supports ASAN, hence you should
      be able to build your program with ASAN support on Windows, and
      I'd guess that MSYS2 also supports (clang and) ASAN.
Sadly AddressSanitizer I believe it is still in beta on Visual Studio and valgrind is not available on Windows.

I hope this helps. Good luck.
Yes, it helped.  But I am still waiting on my user to get back to me.
Gonzalo Garramuño

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