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Re: [fltk.coredev] RFC: Fl_Terminal::putchar() in public API

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Re: RFC: Fl_Terminal::putchar() in public API "'Albrecht Schlosser' via fltk.coredev" 08:43 Apr 01  
  On 3/27/24 17:27 'melcher....@googlemail.com' via fltk.coredev wrote:
I m following this with a certain awe. Defining a macro has tons of side effects, and defining such simple word as `putchar` in a system header is horrible.

I agree with this statement. 100%.

Anyway, we can fight macros with macros... .

I don't think this would work, even if we wanted, see below.

Not sure it that would compile, or work in this context, but if we define our own macro, we should be able to generate the same code, even if putchar is a macro. I would add `putc` as a method, so even if there is #define putchar(x) putc(x, stdout) somewhere, we would still compile correctly:

#define putchar(x) putc(x, stdout)

class Fl_Terminal {
  int putc(int c, FILE *); // 2nd arg is ignored
#ifdef putchar
  #define FL_TERMINAL_PUTCHAR putchar
  int putchar(int c);

so calling myTerminal->putchar('a'); should do the right thing in either case, and Fl_Terminal::putchar() should exist, even if putchar is a macro.

Fortunately [1] this doesn't work for several reasons:

1. The method in Fl_Terminal is putchar(...) with either three or four parameters whereas the well-known putchar(c) macro has only one parameter. In a quick test I believe that I saw that the preprocessor chokes already (wrong number of arguments).

2. Lines with macros are interpreted iteratively until no macro expansion takes place anymore. Thus, even if we defined "FL_TERMINAL_PUTCHAR" as "putchar", then putchar would be replaced with "putc()" again. And, again, the number of parameters doesn't match.

3. I don't think (i.e. I'm not sure) that this construct would be immune against defining 'putchar' either before or after the inclusion of Fl_Terminal.H if it would make it through the preprocessor at all. Maybe it works, maybe not, I'm not willing to "test" this though.

That said, I'm glad that this doesn't work (AFAICT). It would only add more to the confusion. Trying to make this work would IMHO be a waste of time, particularly because there's a very simple solution: rename the offending Fl_Terminal::putchar(...) method.


[1] Yes, I mean "fortunately". This idea would IMHO make the code less transparent, much harder to maintain ("why does this weird construct of macros exist in the first place), and supposedly more fragile. What would happen if putchar is defined as a macro with an entirely different meaning or set of parameters?

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