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Re: [fltk.coredev] Key-combination for zoom (forked from fltk-general Sys-Menu-Bar thread)

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Re: Key-combination for zoom (forked from fltk-general Sys-Menu-Bar thread) "'Albrecht Schlosser' via fltk.coredev" 12:48 Mar 06  
  On 3/6/24 17:51 Albrecht Schlosser wrote:
On 3/5/24 21:50 Albrecht Schlosser wrote:
If anybody could help by contributing code how to map a CTRL/K combo
with 'K' not being an alphabetical key, then I'd appreciate this very much!

I'm still looking for a clean and system conformant way to get the correct key information. Any help would be appreciated.

Don't bother, problem solved!

The problem is that we don't get the key codes from Windows. We are using a "hand-made" translation table in our code instead, ...

I'm trying to find a better solution but so far I don't know if I can find a solution independent of hard-coded keyboard layout information. That would be my goal. Although I'm much more confident now. There *should* be a way to get the key information from the OS...

GOOD NEWS: Finally I found the solution. It's kinda tricky but I can now get the desired key info with a Windows function even for ctrl/+ etc. independent of the keyboard layout - both with and w/o the shift key and w/o hard-coded translation tables. Phew, that was hard (Windows) stuff.

This will eventually enable FLTK to get the correct Fl::event_key() and Fl::event_text() information we were missing in the current code. My code still needs cleanup and I need to determine when to call which function, but I'm now sure it will work. I'll let you know about my progress, probably tomorrow.

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