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Re: [fltk.coredev] Key-combination for zoom (forked from fltk-general Sys-Menu-Bar thread)

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Re: Key-combination for zoom (forked from fltk-general Sys-Menu-Bar thread) "'Albrecht Schlosser' via fltk.coredev" 12:50 Mar 05  
On 3/5/24 19:54 Manolo wrote:
I would just like to stress, even if it's present also in Albrecht's
analysis, that this new issue is independent from the GUI scaling
mechanism.It's in how FLTK's Windows platform processes keystrokes
with Ctrl and a non-alphabetic key.

Yes, I agree.

I can add that there is also an issue under FLTK+Windows with
'Ctrl+digit' keystrokes for Fr keyboards that have numbers in the
uppercase position of their key.

Well, that's a similar issue.

My research on Windows did unfortunately not yield an usable result. It
looks like Windows provides first a keydown event with a "scan code"
which is the "physical" key number (location). In the second stage
(message) Windows gives us a "translated" value which is fine for all
printable ASCII and Unicode characters. This can be used to put the
value in Fl::event_text(). This works also for CTRL combined with letter
keys. So far, so good.

However, for non-letter keys like '+', '-', '=' I couldn't find a usable
value. It looks like CTRL / X where X is a key on the default (US)
keyboard layout. This doesn't really help. There are more functions I
didn't explore (yet?) to map virtual keycodes to a specific key
dependent on the "keyboard layout". This *might* help if this would give
us the information that (a) the CTRL key and (b) the '=' key was
pressed. The latter maybe derived from the scan code and the current
keyboard layout...

These MS docs are really confusing, and "simple" tests result in more
and more questions. I'm close to giving up.

If anybody could help by contributing code how to map a CTRL/K combo
with 'K' not being an alphabetical key, then I'd appreciate this very much!

The FLTK X11 and Wayland code contains a few lines that do extra
operations for number keys exactly to allow use of 'Ctrl+digit'
keystrokes with Fr keyboards.

That's good - and good to know. Can you give me a pointer to where such
code is, for both platforms? TIA.

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