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Re: [fltk.coredev] On the building of fluid-cmd and fluid...

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Re: On the building of fluid-cmd and fluid... Albrecht Schlosser Apr 24, 2023  
On 4/24/23 12:54 imacarthur wrote:
I was looking at the build output from recent builds and I note that for WIN32 targets the builds are compiling everything twice, once for fluid and then again for fluid-cmd.

The same is true for fltk-options and fltk-options-cmd now too, of course.

This seems a bit redundant, since the only actual difference is in the final link stage of the build.

Yes, indeed, I can confirm this.

It seems like we could just compile everything once, then have two linker passes - though I don't have the necessary cmake-fu to know the ways of that. (The obj files currently generated are identical between the two branches, as best I can discern.)

I can take a look into it. I'm not sure if we can avoid it in a "naive" CMake build but I know I did such things already by building an intermediate object library and linking against this object library (this is trivial). This lib would obviously not be installed in the final install step.

TBH, if we don't mind a hack, we could just compile and link everything once: the only actual difference between a "console" app and a "Windows" app is a single byte in the PE header block, so if we wanted (and I have done this in the past...) we can just compile for "Windows" and then hexedit the subsystem byte to create the "console" version.

I'm strictly against such hacks if they can be avoided, see my suggestion above.

Strictly speaking, the subsystem ID is a 16-bit short, but the values are either 0x002 for Windows or 0x003 for console, so only the 0x02 or 0x03 values ever change.
If we have the MS editbin tool, we can also just build for Windows and then do:

      editbin /subsystem:console wibble.exe

To convert the subsystem in a more controlled fashion than just a hex hack.
... Can we have the cmake script detect the presence of the editbin tool?

Even with such a tool and the required detection in CMake this would probably be more complicated than just linking twice from the object library.

But thanks for investigating and for the hint that such a tool exists. I didn't know that.

On mingw systems that do not have editbin, we just end up with a "fluid-cmd.exe" that is actually a Windows subsystem app, but that's OK because under mnigw / Msys that just works anyway...

When I added 'fluid-cmd' I wondered if we needed this for all Windows builds or only for MSVC but I decided to build it for all Windows builds, just in case (later this was copied by Matt for fltk-options). If we can reduce the build of the '*-cmd.exe' to just linking it's even less important to consider if we could avoid building these for MinGW etc..

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