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Re: [fltk.coredev] RFC: about DnD of filenames to an FLTK app

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Re: RFC: about DnD of filenames to an FLTK app Albrecht Schlosser Mar 07, 2023  
On 3/7/23 18:14 Manolo wrote:
Le lundi 6 mars 2023 à 17:52:49 UTC+1, Albrecht Schlosser a écrit :

Here are some examples, created with three different file managers (nemo, nautilus, thunar) and the FLTK editor example program in Wayland and/or X11 mode:

nemo DND to FLTK editor in Wayland mode:
nautilus DND to FLTK editor in Wayland mode:
thunar: No DND and no copy/paste to editor with in Wayland mode
thunar DND to FLTK editor in x11 mode (see note 2 below):
thunar copy-paste to FLTK editor in x11 mode (see note 2 below):
(End of examples)

I'm afraid these examples didn't use the last code for Wayland which changed yesterday.
Wayland now produces the same as Windows and macOS, that is pathnames, one per line, except for special
prefixes such as "davfs://" that produce as in these examples.

I didn't intend to show "exact" examples. I only wanted to point out that I can see different formats as provided by different file managers on the same system.

There's something strange in some encoded strings visible above such as "user=info%2540<my_domain>" .
This seems to have been encoded twice, and thus to require being decoded twice to come out correctly.
1st decoding: %25 gives % because 0x25 is the codepoint of %
2nd decoding: %40 gives @ because 0x40 is the codepoint of @
Final result: user-info@<my_domain>

The correct encoding in one go I would have expected to see is "user-info%40<my_domain>".

Yes, I see. The problem with this is that the sender encodes the data, and there may be inconsistencies.

Another issue is obviously the string


where you can see one '%40' and one literal '@' which is really weird.

After seeing these issues I wonder if it's useful to try to "decode" these strings in FLTK because we'd have to answer questions why a particular string is not decoded as "expected". If we leave them as-is we can always say that these strings are exactly as sent by the file manager or whatever program encoded them.

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