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[fltk.coredev] RFC: about DnD of filenames to an FLTK app

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RFC: about DnD of filenames to an FLTK app Manolo Mar 06, 2023  

When files are dragged from a file manager window to an FLTK app,
platform-specific behaviours are presently as attached.

I don't remember what X11 configuration produces "file://" prefixes
and URI-encoded filenames. That's not what I see now.

Shouldn't we uniformize this and have the X11 platform behave as
all others do, that is, put pathnames on separate lines without encoding
nor prefixes ?

That would make 1.4 slightly changed relatively to 1.3 in behaviour
but not in API. Nevertheless, user code that would decode encoded
filenames or that would remove "file://" prefixes would just do nothing
with the uniformized behaviour. Existing 1.3 code would be largely compatible
with the modified 1.4 behaviour with no change. The only difference
would be that an app expecting multiple pathnames on a single line would
receive them on successive lines.

Comments? Suggestions?

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Attachment: DnD.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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