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Re: [fltk.coredev] Re: OpenGL page in the User Manual and OpenGL Optimizer

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Re: Re: OpenGL page in the User Manual and OpenGL Optimizer duncan Feb 16, 2023  
... now I have some caching issue which
means that the build process is trying to pull in a specific version of
the SDK that does not exist on my system any more.

It's happened before when there's been an Xcode update. Not sure
if it's CLion and its builtin Cmake, or the brew cmake, or Xcode itself.
But that's an problem on my system, rather than being an FLTK issue.

It's a CMake issue caused by a macOS (and/or Xcode) update that replaced the SDK with another version in another folder. CMake uses the cached value and the build fails.

It happens to me from time to time as well in a bare CMake environment (not using Xcode, nor CLion). There are two possible solutions, at least for me, I don't know what you can do in your CLion build.

Just to close this out, and add to the knowledge base...

I deleted the CMake build directory and cache files in my project. No Joy.
I deleted the CLion .idea directory and re-initialised the project. No Joy.
I deleted Xcode and re-installed it from scratch. No Joy.
I deleted my homebrew installation and reinstalled from scratch. No Joy.
I deleted my fltk-1.4.x directory, recloned, and rebuild using CMake. Success!

This is the first project where I have used the CMake build of fltk, rather
than a plain make and using 'fltk-config --ldstaticflags' to add libfltk.a to
the link command lines.

So it looks like the old SDK 11.3 path was in the fltk-1.4.x CMake cache
and not in my project's CMake cache, but I never even considered that
because explicit builds against "old" libfltk.a libraries have always worked.

Not a CLion problem. Not an Xcode update problem.
A bit of a CMake problem.
But really PEBCAK :-(


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