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Re: [fltk.coredev] GL differences - X11 vs Wayland (WSL2, in case that matters!)

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Re: GL differences - X11 vs Wayland (WSL2, in case that matters!) imm Dec 01, 2022  
OK, so I stared at the plug-in code for a bit, starting from "How hard can it be to write our own?"
Harder than that, basically...

Observations: (in no particular order)

- if there were any system provided plugins the built-in loader would be able to load them; but there just don't seem to be many (any?) system provided plugins yet

- I really don't want a dependency on gtk3

- dependency on Cairo is unavoidable with Wayland & libdecor so we will always have that anyway 

- the Cairo plugin works well, it just looks a bit rough; Cairo can draw nicer things than that 

- adjusting the titlebar font looks trivial (will test tomorrow). TBH, I think the reason it's seems so big is actually a bug in the code, which I'll test for 

- ditto adjusting the colour scheme

- making our own version of the Cairo plugin takes us away from upstream, which is a "nuisance"

- we could possibly leave the stock Cairo decorator plugin as-is but add our own adjusted version (suitably renamed) alongside it; that may be easier to maintain?

- we (probably) can make a fltk based decorator plugin but it's not a 5 minute job...

From my Fairphone FP3

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