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Re: [fltk.coredev] Fl_Menu_ and Fl_Menu_Item::pulldown incremental overhaul?

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Re: Fl_Menu_ and Fl_Menu_Item::pulldown incremental overhaul? Albrecht Schlosser Nov 20, 2022  
On 11/20/22 10:34 'melcher...' via fltk.coredev wrote:
tl;dr : I would like to overhaul the menubar code, and I would like to do it incrementally, so we can find regressions. I want to use the master branch for that, but I would like to hear you first, since that may add work.

I replied regarding "master branch or not" in another message. Here I'm going to ask for some details.

Ok, so if you ever looked into the menu bar code (src/Fl_Menu.cxx), you know that it is really hard to maintain. It also has some shortcomings. For example, all menu items in a single menu must have the same height, which is why the divider always looks like it was squeezed in as an afterthought.

I implemented code that fixes a lot of these issues when trying to add better dividers. The code is tested and works, but if I alone test things, I may miss major regressions.

Can we see this code somewhere? Do (did) you push it to your fork?

I would like to push my code to master when I reach a milestone, so that I am not the only one testing. Of course, every milestone would be thoroughly tested in my branch before using it.

See my other reply.

A bit of history:

The menubar code was probably written before the actual FLTK core became capable enough to do what the pulldown code implements in a different, undocumented, and badly named way. I would like to fix that while keeping the old API intact and adding a new way to add menus that fits the FLTK hierarchical system.

Great idea. I would appreciate this very much if it could be done w/o changing the API. However, this looks like a big task, and I wonder if it wouldn't be easier and cleaner to rewrite a new menu system from scratch. This way only users opting in to the new menu system would be affected.

Milestone 1, flexible menu item sizes:

To implement this, I create Proxy widgets for every item that may appear in a pulldown menu. When a menu window is opened, a true FLTK widget hierarchy is created on the fly using the proxies.

Sounds interesting but also complicated. Maybe rewriting this from scratch ... ;-)

With proxies, every menu item now has coordinates and sizes, and we can finally have dividers that don't just draw a line, but also visually divide groups. We can no easily have the horizontal stacking, as FL_MENU_HORIZONTAL always promised, but never implemented.

Sounds good, although I don't think that horizontal menus are really worth considering. Is there anybody that *wants* such menus, or would it just be "because it can be done"?

Milestone 2, reducing special event handling and drawing:

Now, instead of having a three-page long loop, the menu window and proxy widgets handle events as FLTK does anyway. We can make the drawing code a lot simpler with the same results.

That would certainly be the most valuable part and we should try to do this. Again, rewriting from scratch ... Well, doing this with "original" menu widgets rather than Fl_Menu_Item arrays and proxies sound much less complicated and in the end much easier to maintain.

Milestone 3, alternative to Fl_Menu_Item arrays:

And by deriving Fl_Menu_ from Fl_Group instead of Fl_Widget, we can completely do away with the entire FL_Menu_Item array special handling. The user just adds buttons and groups to the Fl_Menu_ driver widget,

These "buttons and groups" would be Fl_Button and Fl_Group widgets, correct?

and the menu window code will take care of generating the proxies and laying them out.

If the answer to my question above is true, why would we still need proxies? Can't we just use the new menu widgets?

This solves also all i18n woes, questions of ownership, and inserting menu items into arrays.

That would be very much appreciated, and I assume, fluid support would also be done, right?

After all I believe that a full rewrite from scratch [1] would be the way to go. It would be as easy as it could be: much easier than integrating the new code into the old, complicated code which would likely make it even more complicated. Knowing what the goals are we (you) could use today's FLTK techniques. It would also be fully optional for users, it would not affect existing (menu) code, and it could be integrated in git 'master' as soon as "it works", even if we need to improve it later and fix bugs. As long as it is optional for users and documented to be in "beta stadium" it doesn't do any harm.

Looking forward to further discussions and other opinions.

[1] IMHO it's similar to the decision whether the new Fl_Flex widget should be integrated in Fl_Pack or not. For me the decision was obvious: write a new - hopefully better - widget and forget the old one.

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