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Re: [fltk.coredev] Insomnia, Fl_Flex, and resizable

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Re: Insomnia, Fl_Flex, and resizable Albrecht Schlosser Oct 27, 2022  
On 10/27/22 14:48 'melcher....@googlemail.com' via fltk.coredev wrote:
tl;dr : sorry for the long text. Withdrawing my first idea, I suggest we move child related data to the children and not allocate it as part of the parent, and create a standardised interface for that.

Ok, I see the points.

So changing Fl_Pack is not realistic.

OK, I'm glad you agree.

And since Fl_Flex is in fltk_rs, it's probably wise to keep the method names as is.

I would still want to keep the option to change method names as long as FLTK 1.4 is not yet released. fltk_rs could either keep the old method names in their own implementation or follow the transition. Relying on non-released software must be done on one's own risk. I did already change some method names for FLTK compliance from the original contribution (which had already been adopted before by fltk-rs) and so we can do now too.

Fl_Groups seems to avoid successfully to have pointers dangle, or we would know about it.

Maybe not. The only dangling pointer I can imagine is indeed the resizable() pointer. We might not know about it because users won't delete or remove the resizable() widget that often w/o resetting the resizable() by themselves.

I'll check this because it would be a bug.

I am just very much in favour to point at something else only once, because otherwise there are just too many locations to keep track of. For example, if I delete and Widget, it may have a parent that links back to it, but it also may be resizable, so my parent may have a second pointer.

Yep, but that's not bad by itself. The parent could also store the index of the resizable child but that's probably much more error prone. But somehow the information must be stored.

Now with Fl_Flex, there may be just another pointer that tells me that my widget has a fixed size.

This is IMHO unavoidable unless you keep a structure for each child widget that contains a pointer and more attributes. However, that structure would have to reserve special purpose attributes for every container class that may own the child widget which is obviously not easily doable. I believe that every container (group) widget must store its own per-widget data in its own structure(s).

Hmm, well, after I wrote this and thought more about your group_data approach (below), I think it is possible by subclassing the group_data structure for every clase (as a subclass of its parent's struct/class) but this begins to become more and more complicated.

This is by no means a drama, but if it is possible to avoid it easily, I would. So here are my ideas:

I generally agree (it should be avoided), but emphasis is on both "possible" and "easy".

  1. Storing relative width and height was a bad idea by me, because different Groups may want to store very different things per child.

I agree.

  1. Making the Group handle an array of widget data (Fl_Group::init_size()) or widget pointers (Fl_Group::resizable()) is inherently unsafe, even if we got away with it for 30 years. But that's also part of what kept us from implementing new Groups with better resizing options like Flex and Grid.

I can't argue against "inherently unsafe". Yes, it needs some rules but I don't see a better and "easy" solution yet.

I would however not agree that this "kept us from implementing new Groups with better resizing options". Fl_Flex and Fl_Grid show that it is possible but it's just a fact that nobody did it.

  1. Making Fl_Group::insert(), remove(), and clear() virtual would make implementing Flex and Grid easier and safe.

Unfortunately it's too late to do this as I wrote before. Inconsistent method naming in derived classes prevents this.

I would be glad to see that I'm wrong with this, but that's what I found out so far. I could dig in my notes, maybe I can find some info - although I dropped that idea.

So I withdraw my original idea and suggest that we add a group_data pointer to every widget. This pointer is reserved for use by the current parent exclusively, and the parent can store whatever it wants.

Hmm, this doesn't seem very "easy". Imagine Fl_Flex, a group that stores its own data in its own structure (lets say: _Fl_Flex_Group_Data) similar to your example code below. That's fine.

But what if you derive another class (FancyFlex) from Fl_Flex that wants to store its own data in another structure that is linked by the one and only per-widget group_data pointer? If this derived class used its own structure to store the data it would destroy the data stored by its base class Fl_Flex. OK, the derived class FancyFlex could also subclass _Fl_Flex_Group_Data as _FancyFlex_Group_Data and could use additional members in _FancyFlex_Group_Data etc. etc. But that doesn't sound "easy", does it?

It should delete that data when removing a widget, but if it doesn't, the widget removes the data when being deleted (no leak). If it is added to a new Group, the new Group will simply replace the group_data with its own data. 

Yes, it adds a pointer to Fl_Widget, but OTOH it removes pointers and code in Fl_Group.

I'm not sure that the latter (removing pointers and code) would be the case.

Let's talk about the resizable() widget pointer. It simplifies the standard resizing algorithm by providing direct access to the single resizable() widget that affects the resizing behavior of all its children. If this information was stored in every child's group_data structure, the resizing algorithm would have to search the child array for the resizable child - or _all_ resizable children (?) - before the calculation can begin. This costs CPU time and doesn't help much. Yes, it removes one pointer from Fl_Group but it *adds* code to the standard Fl_Group class and costs likely a performance penalty.

To have a little code, I suggest:

  class _Fl_Group_Data {
    virtual ~Fl_Group_Data();

  class Fl_Widget {
    ~Fl_Widget() {
    void group_data(_Fl_Group_Data*); // replace current group data with new group data
    _Fl_Group_Data *group_data();

class Fl_Fancy_Group {
  class _Fl_Fancy_Group_Data : public _Fl_Group_Data {
    double width_factor;
    int initial_width;
  void insert(FL_Widget *w) {
    w->group_data(new _Fl_Fancy_Group_Data(50.0, w->w()));
  void remove(Fl_Widget *w) {
    w->group_data(NULL); // will call 'delete' for us

This looks generally like a good idea.

However, the statement above:

  `w->group_data(new _Fl_Fancy_Group_Data(50.0, w->w()));`

is IMHO an oversimplification. It assumes that the group (class) can allocate a new group data structure of its own and that all parent classes can be initialized with default constructors (in this example only _Fl_Group_Data). But how can this be achieved for all nested classes of deeply subclassed group data structs?

[Potential answer: add the existing group_data pointer of the parent class to the constructor?]

Please don't misunderstand me, these are only some thoughts I had when reading your proposal. I believe it's worth thinking about it and maybe implement it - if we can solve the open questions and issues.

Thank you very much for this proposal, I believe it's worth investigating, but as (you also) said before, we need to get 1.4.0 released soon and such big changes can't be done before that. However, I believe that changes like these are only internal implementation details and could be done in the next minor release (maybe 1.5.0 or whatever) where we can break the ABI w/o issues and lots of ABI guards in the code. Even if Fl_Flex and Fl_Grid do their work differently in 1.4.x.

PS: Matthias, it's great to see you "back" and active again!

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