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Re: [fltk.coredev] Insomnia, Fl_Flex, and resizable

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Re: Insomnia, Fl_Flex, and resizable Gonzalo Garramuño Oct 26, 2022  

El 26/10/22 a las 07:21, 'melcher....@googlemail.com' via fltk.coredev escribió:
tl;dr Proposal to add Fl_Widget::resizable(int width_factor, int height_factor) and merge Fl_Flex into Fl_Pack.

I was looking into how Fl_Flex differs from Fl_Pack, and apart from the margins, Fl_Flex adds the option the make individual children resizable while the rest stays fixed. So instead of introducing a new widget, wouldn't it be better to add this functionality to Fl_Pack?

No.  Fl_Pack resizes itself to fit the widgets and pack them together during the redraw function.  This can be useful when you don't know (or care for) one of the sizes in one direction. Thanks to Greg I also have a version of Fl_Pack that has a layout function to do the packing before hand (adding *that* to fltk1.4 would be useful).

Fl_Flex, on the other hand, requires you to provide its size before hand and it fits the widgets proportionally in the available space, except when one or some of them have had the fixed set_size() set for them.

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