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[fltk.coredev] FLTK on Windows on ARM with Visual Studio Preview works

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FLTK on Windows on ARM with Visual Studio Preview works "'melcher.... Oct 24, 2022  
A preview for the Microsoft developer IDE "Visual Studio" has been released in late September that finally supports the ARM version of Windows 11. I am happy to announce that FLTK compiles and runs and can be debugged under VC on ARM.

For context, Windows 11 has been running on ARM CPUs for a while, and there are several machines out there with ARM CPUs. It can run Intel apps by emulating the CPU.

But native ARM apps are by a factor 4 or so faster than emulated Intel apps. Visual Studio though did *not* run on ARM, neither native nor emulated, so the only way to compile an ARM app on Windows so far was using Visual Studio on an Intel machine, cross compiling to ARM, and remotely debugging on an ARM machine. 

The newest preview release finally changes that, runs native, and debugs native, and FLTK works just fine after some preliminary testing.


PS: If you tried previously to make this work, in [ Debug > Debug and Launch settings ], change "type" form "remoteWindows" to "".

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