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Re: [fltk.coredev] Please vote: add a Wayland platform to FLTK

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Re: Please vote: add a Wayland platform to FLTK Manolo Jan 22, 2022  
I've now tried libdecor-gtk with the KDE compositor which provides titlebars
(Server-Side Decoration, a.k.a.SSD mode).
My conclusion is that libdecor-gtk is not compatible with SSD at this point.

This has several consequences
1) libdecor-cairo is to be used in SSD situation (e.g., with the KDE desktop)
2) libdecor-gtk can be used only as a plug-in loaded by dlopen(), because
it's not possible to link both libdecor-cairo and libdecor-gtk in the same executable
since they define at least once the same symbol. Thus, libdecor-gtk can be used only
with CMake  OPTION_USE_SYSTEM_LIBDECOR turned ON. Thus it can't be a public
option for FLTK users, only something for development of the Wayland platform.
3) Ultimately, it won't be possible to show nice GTK-style FLTK window titlebars
until libdecor-gtk is made compatible with the SSD mode by its author.
Alternatively,  build with OPTION_USE_SYSTEM_LIBDECOR should create
2 shared objects, libdecor-cairo.so and libdecor-gtk.so and environment var
LIBDECOR_PLUGIN_DIR could be used for libfltk to find and dlopen() one of them.
4) I still have to find how to prevent libdecor-gtk.so from being loaded when
the compositor is SSD.

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