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Re: [fltk.coredev] Please vote: add a Wayland platform to FLTK

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Re: Please vote: add a Wayland platform to FLTK Albrecht Schlosser Jan 21, 2022  
On 1/21/22 6:33 AM Bill Spitzak wrote:
It sounds like the GTK required a modification to libdecor, I'm guessing they wanted the API to the plugin altered? Was it a major change, or only a minor addition?

Bill, I posted a description from Christian Rauch (libdecor contributor) and links ~2 days ago.

From what I remember the libdecor plugin does not only draw the title bar, it also needs to react on events (highlighting the buttons etc.) which seems to have been a not so minor addition. The primary merge request has been created 11 months ago and they are still working on it. There have been several commits since ...

My vague impression is the best method for fltk is to implement this api (by including the source code to libdecor) on the assumption that it will be able to load more plugins than the unmodified one. However I don't think fltk should include any plugins, ...

From what I read I think the intention of the libdecor developers is that distributions or desktop systems provide plugins that integrate with different themes of the desktop system. However, as we can see, there's only one plugin yet (Cairo) and we know of one additional plugin (GTK) in development.

What Manolo is doing now is to try to get FLTK going with Wayland and libdecor in its current state. I'm sure this can be modified later.

In the future, when Wayland is more common and more desktop environments have implemented their own libdecor plugins I'm sure that we can use (load) such plugins if they are available on the user's system, and as Manolo demonstrated, the plugin loading mechanism works in his test environment.

I agree 100% with Manolo that we need a first step to get us going. Bundling the (modified) libdecor with FLTK is IMHO absolutely appropriate until we have a better solution.

@Manolo: Great job, thanks.

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