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Re: [fltk.coredev] Please vote: add a Wayland platform to FLTK

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Re: Please vote: add a Wayland platform to FLTK Albrecht Schlosser Jan 19, 2022  
On 1/19/22 7:14 PM Bill Spitzak wrote:
It is unfortunate there is only one plugin to test it against so initially it is probably safest to not modify libdecor much, but it can be done in the future.

Christian Rauch wrote in the FLTK channel on Matrix (or IRC),
Link: https://matrix.to/#/!eTrnuPUpwfBOSUEOyI:matrix.org/$nKLX0FRIntQ6kQjEHJH7clmI7FFNDyja2fK_anpwcLE?via=grin.hu&via=matrix.org&via=systemtest.tk

Hey, I saw the "announcement" that there is Wayland support in progress. I am contributing to libdecor and I thought I might be able to answer some questions here.

There seems to be some confusion what a libdecor plugin and what it does. The idea behind the plugins is that desktop environments can provide plugins that match the visual style of the desktop. Right now, we only have the desktop agnostic "cairo" plugin. But there is a GTK plugin (https://gitlab.gnome.org/jadahl/libdecor/-/merge_requests/43) on the way that is then supposed to be used for GTK based desktops, such as GNOME Shell. This plugin will integrate visually much better in GNOME than the cairo plugin.

GTK plugin the cairo way (!43) · Merge requests · Jonas Ådahl / libdecor - GitLab
(End of citation).

I'm not sure how much and in what timeframe this may help, but anyway. I looks like there will be a GTK plugin available in the future.
It is possible that a version that supports Wayland, but can use X11 when Wayland is not available (for instance on a remote display), would be what is most useful. Still need compile-time options to make only-X11 and only-Wayland versions but this may be the best "Wayland" version. The first step is to make the X11 version use Cairo though.

I agree that it would be good to have a "hybrid" FLTK library that can choose between Wayland and X11 but the first step (sic!) would be to integrate Wayland support as a build-time option.

As Manolo wrote this would offer the FLTK Cairo driver "for free" because it's use by the Wayland port. If it is doable then this would enable us to switch between X11 drawing and Cairo drawing in the "X11 build". Again, I think in a first step as a build option and maybe later as the default or only option (I mean: using Cairo on X11).

The problem in using Cairo under X11 is very likely that some platforms (embedded systems) might not be able to use Cairo for some reasons. Some platforms do not even use full X11 but use nano-X or similar. I don't think that we want to remove FLTK support from these platforms.

But anyway, the "first step" can not be "to make the X11 version use Cairo".

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